
“The average 2012 hourly billing rate was about $536 for law firm partners and $370 for associates.” ABA Journal, 2013

 “Fifty percent of Americans with children do not have a will and 41% of baby boomers (age 55-64) don't have one. The top three reasons cited by survey respondents for not having a will: procrastination, a belief that they don't need one and cost.”, 2012

“Twenty-two percent of American adults say they had a legal issue in the last year that potentially warranted hiring an attorney. Twelve percent say they did hire a lawyer in the last year. Eleven percent said they could have hired a lawyer to handle their legal issue but elected not to. And 5% said they tackled the issue by representing themselves and appearing in court without a lawyer.”, 2013

“Around 800,000 to 900,000 couples divorce each year.” U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“More than a million people filed for bankruptcy during the 12-month period ending March 31, 2014.” U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Among employers with voluntary benefit programs, offering legal services is relatively common but by no means universal, with 55 percent making this option available to employees, according to a 2013 survey of 320 large U.S. employers conducted by Towers Watson.” Towers Watson, 2013.

“Among all employers, only 21 percent offer legal assistance services.” Society for Human Resource Management’s 2014 Employee Benefits Report